Welcome to my blog. It started life as a general blog then became a photo a day project now it has reverted to my personal blog. For more examples of my work please visit my business site. Dover Design Photography - Kent Wedding Photographers.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Lighting Again

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Originally uploaded by apl666
More playing with off camera lighting. This time the flah is outside on a stand pointing in through the widow diffused by the vertical blinds. Considering there was almost no natural light this image has a very summery feel.


Originally uploaded by apl666
I have been experimenting with using my flah guns off camera. It all started after reading the excellent Strobist blog. This is one of my first attempts. The sun was quite high in the sky camera left front - but diffused by a tree. I had two flashes camera left and right one triggered by poverty wizard the other by optical slave.

I am delighted with the almost 3D qualities of the image.

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