They lie about the weather...
Friday continued where Thursday left off - dull overcast and not beach weather. In desperation to entertain the now bored kids we decided to go to a place we had seen on our journey in. The place in question had go-carting and jet-skis. On arrival we determined that go-karts were not an option due to the lack of safety precautions so jet-skis it had to be. The children had 8 minutes of fun blasting round a small course, Thomas managing to easily overtake Hannah - women drivers!!
On return to base there was a glimmer of sun so we headed to the beach, a short lived visit as the wind was blowing the sand too much for even our industrial strength windbreak. Plan B involved going to the pool which was fine until the sun got lost behind a bloody massive cloud.
Saturday - Hannah and I set off early for the water park leaving the others in bed. Unbelievably the park was quiet so we managed to go on all the rides at least once without queuing. We had to leave fairly early as a combination of little sun and cold water spoiled the fun. Continued the day with a trip into Canet for an ice cream.
The idiot weather forecasters predict a good day tomorrow but who knows...
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