Solar Furnace
Thursday 16 August
The weather forecast was not brilliant so we got up early and headed into the Pyrenees. Destination, the ancient fortified town of Mount-Louis an early French attempt to keep the Spanish out. The main reason for the trip was to visit the ‘solar furnace’. I won’t go into the technicalities but this consists of a load of mirrors which track the sun and focus the suns power enough to burn holes in lumps of metal. Bizarrely this energy is used to power a kiln in which they fire clay pots made on site. Anyway it is all very impressive, it just felt like it was in someone’s back garden. The 45 minute guided tour was also very interesting especially as every word of it was French. It was of particular interest when our charming tour guide asked Mrs L a question – she shrugged her shoulders and we all sneaked out through the back door at the next opportunity.
The drive to Mont-Louis was truly spectacular – winding roads snaking through the Pyrenees.
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