Welcome to my blog. It started life as a general blog then became a photo a day project now it has reverted to my personal blog. For more examples of my work please visit my business site. Dover Design Photography - Kent Wedding Photographers.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


042/365 Travelling and in meetigs today so little time to do a 'proper' picture. This is a snatched image through the train window.


Tim Dustrude 4:30 pm  

I don't think it's improper at all. But then I'm a train freak. Reminds me of our trip to France and Switzerland.

Andy C 12:45 am  

I love how all the lines are in parallel.

Runner Girl 10:23 pm  

You know I love those clouds!!

I probably should have named my blog "365 cloud pictures!!" I'm completely obsessed!

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